Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, are known for being incredibly rich. Both from influential New York City real-estate dynasties, Kushner and Trump had had impressive homes and habits, in addition to their high-end property holdings and a $25 million art collection. Not to mention Ivanka’s many expensive dresses, some of which will take your breath away with their price tags. Ivanka and Jared live a luxurious lifestyle, with a total net worth of $800 million.

Of course, with that massive income, you probably have some pretty good income sources, which Ivanka and Jared do. Ivanka and Jared have amassed a multi-billion dollar fortune in several sectors, including property investment, luxury, the stock market, publishing, and show business. The political power duo has been wealthy their entire lives and will most likely be able to pass on their fortune to their three children, much as their parents did for them.
