Kate Capshaw & Steven Spielberg

Landing a role in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was such a fortunate experience for actress Kate Capshaw because of two things: it was a blockbuster and being in the film allowed her to meet her soulmate. Who you might ask? Not the lead actor, but the film’s director, Steven Spielberg. This might seem like your typical Hollywood romance, but contrary to the stereotype, these two have withstood the test of time.

We have to give them credit for their three decades of togetherness. That’s something that not even Steven Spielberg’s net worth of $3.7 billion can buy. Decades of being together in the jungle that is Hollywood is something that is definitely impressive, because not a lot of couples can stay together while they are public figures. Capshaw and Spielberg obviously have something special. We’re happy that they found, support, and comfort in each other as they both embarked on their separate careers.
