Dawn Wells became famous for her role as Mary Ann Summers in the American sitcom, Gilligan’s Island. Wells went to college, pursuing a degree in theater arts and design at the University of Washington. While still finishing college in 1959, she joined her state’s pageant and got crowned as Miss Nevada. Then, Wells represented her state in Miss America in 1960. After her stint in pageantry, she went back to Seattle to finish her bachelor’s degree. Soon she ventured into the film industry, debuting in ABC’s drama TV series, The Roaring 20s. Recent news about Wells, however, said that she is having financial troubles. So, in 2018, a GoFundMe page was set-up for her to help her cope with her financial problems.

For a number of years, Wells became the operator of her own business, Wishing Wells Collection, where they made clothes for differently-abled people. She also founded the Idaho Film and Television Institute, which is a non-profit educational organization that puts importance on technical writing, education, and economic development in Southwestern Idaho.
