Robert Lyle Knepper is popularly known for his credit role in the hit Fox drama series, Prison Break. For fans of the series like us, we know him in the serial drama as the leader of a white supremacist group — they called him T-Bag, and he was the most villainous among the series’ characters. However, as the story progressed, more was revealed about his persona that made fans easily relate to his character.

Since the release of Prison Break, his performance has received nothing but good reviews, and T-Bag is considered one of the greatest TV villains. In 2009, Knepper, to his credit, became famous for playing the role of Samuel Sullivan in the finale season of the NBC superhero series, Heroes. It is quite the turnout for someone who didn’t consider acting for TV and big-screen films at first. Sometimes fate has a funny way of moving us around. We don’t always end up in the place that we were expecting to be.
