With his success and fame, Steven Spielberg needs no introduction. He has made a big name for himself by directing some of the most successful films in Hollywood and US cinema history. He is one of the founding pioneers of the New Hollywood era, with his record-breaking contributions to the movie industry.

He became a household name when he did Jaws in 1975. He then mostly focused on his investments in science fiction/adventure films, like the classic Close Encounters of the Third KindRaiders of the Lost Ark, the Indiana Jones franchise, ET: The Extra-Terrestrial, and Jurassic Park. At 73, Spielberg continuously wows us with his incredible talent, dropping movie after movie that will surely make our jaws drop. His iconic films will forever have a place in the film industry. A lot of budding actors and directors look up to him for the work that he has done, so he really left a mark in the industry.
