Marsha Hunt was first an actress and model before she became an activist. She completed a seven-decade long career in Hollywood, and her notable works, Born to the West, Pride and Prejudice, Cry’ Havoc,’ and Raw Deal, were famous in the ’30s and ’40s. In the ‘40s, Hunt signed with MGM, where she stayed for six successive years. Film director Mervyn praised Hunt’s acting prowess while shooting Blossoms in the Dust. During this time, Hunt was cast in more than 20 starring roles. She did a screen test to portray Melanie Hamilton for Gone with the Wind. She made an appearance in None Shall Escape, where she was cast to play Marja Paciorkowski.

While she worked in Hollywood, Marsha used her platform to advocate humanitarian causes such as standing against poverty, climate change and supported same-sex marriages. Her passion for humanitarian causes is so strong that her money management includes her budget spreading among her charitable works and personal needs. She is more than just a pretty face but also a generous and virtuous one for putting a considerable amount of money in advocacies she believes in.
