
Nicole LaValle, who is more commonly known as Snooki, is one of the most prominent cast members of the reality television show Jersey Shore. Since her stint on the show, she has become a sort of household name in America. She appeared in other television programs such as Dancing with the Stars, The New Celebrity Apprentice, How Far is Tattoo Far?, Celebrity Family Feud, Celebrity Fear Factor, and Jersey Shore: Family Vacation. Outside of the limelight, Snooki poured investments into her personal life. She got engaged to Jionni LaValle in 2012 and welcomed their first child in the same year.

Despite the joy of motherhood, Snooki had one thing to worry about, and that is her sexy figure. Fortunately, the reality star found the perfect way to shed off the pregnancy weight. After giving birth, Snooki reportedly lost 42 pounds thanks to the Cookie Diet.
