Chapter three:

A few hours later, Carola found herself on the roof of her house. This was where it had all ended for her, and it only seemed fitting for her to come and see the place for herself.
The day had been a mess. Even before she had gotten home, her mother and Mrs. Georgiana had been waiting for her in her room. The principal had called her mother and told her about Miss Hart’s attitude. It was precisely because the principal used ‘Miss Hart’ instead of ‘Carola’ that had her mother fuming in anger.

The lecture was an hour-long, and it mainly consisted of how Carola was ruining the family name. By the time her mother and Mrs. Georgiana were done with her, she wished she hadn’t skipped school.
But, she needed to. She needed to sit down and think about everything and what the future holds for her. And so, hours later, she found herself on top of the roof, where only yesterday, she was pushed off.
She sat down at the ledge and pondered over the most critical question. It had been nagging her ever since she had gotten home. Should she forgive them both, or should she get her revenge?

There was a part of her that wanted to forgive and forget. However small, the part existed. But a more significant amount inside of her wanted to make their lives a living hell. She wanted them both to suffer as she had, feel the pain as she had. And there was this question of the hazel-eyed guy who she didn’t know the name of.
There was something about him pulling her in, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to see what it was. She didn’t know how to trust anyone again.
With her head filled with questions, she knew she had to figure something out. She couldn’t risk skipping another day of school out of the fear of having her mother find out about it, but she didn’t know how to face everyone at school.

Unseeingly, she looked down the roof and imagined her body lying there – pushed off by her best friend, the supposed friend she was just defending in front of her entire school, only a few hours ago.
Her head was filled with confusion and hurt, but most of all, she had no idea how she would survive what was to come. Deep down, she knew that she had to. For some reason, life had given her another chance to somehow right the wrongs she had done, or maybe the universe had just taken pity on her, for she wasn’t sure what good deed she had done that allowed her to fix her life again.
