Carola had forgotten how obsessed she was with eating cereals during her teenage years. It was surprising yet again how much she had forgotten about the life she had lived.
‘Good, Mom. How are you? And where is Dad?’ she inquired. No matter how much she tried, she could not bring her spirits up. There was too much she was not looking forward to.
‘He had a late-night, with one of his meetings,’ her mother implied, what they both knew was the case.
The occurrence of the same situation over and over again was something Carola was used to. They never openly acclaimed that her father might be having an affair, but the implications were there. The whole house staff and everyone knew.

‘I’m sure, he’ll make it up to you, Mom.’ If not her own, she would try to raise her mother’s spirit. If she was going to have to live through her life again, she would do it differently. She promised herself there and then.
Having no appetite to eat about anything, with great difficulty, she convinced both the women in the kitchen that she was okay and just nervous about her first day. It took some effort, but they settled on her eating something healthy during her lunch break, and with that finalized, she left.

Again, the shock was surreal to realize that their driver would be driving her to and from school. When she graduated from high school, Carola remembered the only thing she had asked her dad was to let her drive herself and not have a constant driver following her around everywhere she went. She remembered the looks she got from everyone at school seeing her driver, all dressed in his black suit, waiting at her beck and call. Some were jealous, and some just used the fact to make fun of her.
‘Good morning Miss, your bag is already in the trunk,’ the driver said while opening the back door for her. She just mumbled something incoherent and sat down.

She had a long day ahead of her, and she needed to save all of her energy for that.
All through 15 minutes of the route, she could only think about one thing. What if this was all an elaborate and extensive dream that she had? Or maybe a premonition because she could not, for the life of her, understand how any of this was happening. She was pushed from the building. She remembered falling down and then everything going dark.
