Many green plants have been carefully cultivated near the smooth marble reception desk, making visitors feel like they are in the jungle. To the right of the reception desk are the hotel’s restaurant and lounge. On the left is a long corridor. The prompt elevator sound rings down the long passage from time to time as if it was an echo and a call.

The ground floor is also lavishly decorated. Intricate ceiling lighting gives off a warm light that casts shadows on the soft carpet. Several beautifully framed paintings hang in the spacious corridor. All the decorations work together to create a luxurious and warm atmosphere. With this, the weariness of our journey seems to vanish at once.

In the lobby lounge, well-dressed men chat over coffee. They cast curious glances at us from time to time.

The second part of the hotel is the large lake that we have just seen on the top of the mountain. The small bridge is specially designed during the construction of the hotel. Visitors can walk up the small bridge to enjoy the natural scenery up close. In addition to the small bridge, the hotel also planted lotus plants in the lake. When the swans swim by, the lotus in the lake sways gently.

The manager of the hotel led us to the penthouse suite. It is probably the most enormous hotel suite I have ever seen. The room can accommodate a group of 18 people but does not feel crowded at all. When the door of the room is opened, all the curtains rise slowly, and a whole French window shows us a beautiful lake view clearly.

It is past six o’clock, and there is still a sliver of light from the setting sun in the sky. The sun is reflected in the lake. The whole body of water seems like the golden mirror of a fairy, which further reveals the magnificence of the hotel.

A lot of food has been prepared in the banquet hall. As I look out the window and eat a tuna sandwich, I suddenly thought of the convenience store. It would be nice if Mika could see a view like this. That boy is like a beam of light, suddenly shining into my life on an ordinary day.

“Emma, why are you in a trance again? Come and play the game.”

In the little ballroom, the students are already goofing around.

“Let’s play a game of Pen Fairy, do you dare?” Judy says slightly mysteriously.

“Why, are you afraid? How do you play this game?” Daniel says with a smile over his drink.
