But how can I give up looking for Mika, the boy who sacrificed himself to save me? Looking for Mika has become my belief.

I continue walking inside and found that there are at least thousands of shelves in the convenience store. All sorts of soulful goods are neatly placed on each shelf. An account book floats into the air and then slowly falls into my hands.

However, I know that the convenience store has trusted me to become its new owner. I will be given superpowers that ordinary people don’t have, and I will face dangerous situations that ordinary people won’t face.

I went back to my home for the last time and saw my parents so that I could say goodbye. Although my folks are not particularly rich, they also care about me. Kazuma used spells to help erase the memory of me from my parents. After today, we will never meet again.

I also visited the gate of the school for the last time. I watch my classmates pass by me one by one, but no one will know me anymore. Dear friends, we will never meet again. No matter where you are in the world, I will miss and bless you all.

The door of Convenience Store No. 13 can only be found by someone who is destined. Time stops here, so I will always stay a 16-year-old girl. Although my appearance will not change anymore, the long years have allowed me to become calmer gradually. When there is nothing to do, I will sit with Kazuma on a chair at the door and enjoy the sun. I will be waiting for customers coming in one after another in endless thoughts— for eternity.

You’ve Reached The End
