“Mika is gone, and this convenience store has lost its owner. No one can guard the goods here anymore. I will try to start the sealing technique of the convenience store, but the goods appear restless. They don’t want to fall asleep anymore. Before the sealing technique is fully effective, the merchandise will start a rebellion. The cargo brings all the forces together to form a powerful energy of resistance. The world is going to be a mess.”

Kazuma’s voice is still in my ear. The ground begins to shake brutally. The lights go out, and a gust of wind pushes me toward the door of the convenience store.

“No, don’t turn me away. I would like to be the master of a convenience store. I would look for Mika in a thousand worlds. ” The wind blows my tears away. I stand reluctantly by the entrance.

“What? The mortal says she would be the owner of the convenience store?”

“She doesn’t deserve it. The woman killed Mika.”

“She is nice, though.”

Voices are coming from the store shelves. Who’s talking?

“Convenience stores are located at the end of the spectrum, where many worlds meet. Convenience stores are only open to people who are meant to be. To be a convenience store owner is to be out of touch with the world. Have you really thought it through? “Kazuma solemnly says.

The wind is starting to die down.

“I am willing to be the owner of this convenience store.” I dry my tears and walk back inside the building.

“I am willing to go to every corner of the world to find Mika.”

Kazuma does not speak. He squats on the counter and stares at me motionlessly for a long, long time. I look at Kazuma calmly. This convenience store seems to give me strength continuously.

“I don’t have the right to decide whether you can become the owner. The convenience store has its own thinking. Walk along the shelves, and only the owner accepted by the convenience store can see all the goods.”

I walk into the convenience store step by step. Memories of the past 16 years have flooded my mind. Choosing to be the owner of this convenience store is dangerous and cannot be looked back. Deciding to take over this convenience store means that I may never be able to meet my parents and friends again.
