But before either one could reply, Mrs. Georgina gripped her arm tightly. ‘My dear, you must come quickly. This is the worst. Oh, so the worst,’ she rambled on and on.
‘What has happened…?’
‘Carola, whatever happens from here on now, remember, I am sorry it had to happen this way.’
‘What has happened?’ Carola looked dumbfounded at the three people in the hallway. The dining hall was just a few steps away, and she could hear the sobs coming from there. Who or why anyone was crying? She had no idea.

She looked at her fiancée and her best friend. The latter had her arm around the torso of the other.
‘Come, dear.’ The old woman led her to the hall.
‘Mother?’ Carola asked, looking at the two officers in the dining hall.
Her mother was a crying mess, and her father looked as if he had the whole world ripped away from him. The two policemen were looking over them, ready to make a move, while both her uncles just looked from the sidelines. Their face blooming with happiness, matching that of her fiancée and her best friend. Carola noticed just then.

‘Miss Carola, we are here to inform you that your brother was kidnapped over an hour ago. We have reason to believe that your parents are behind this,’ one of the policemen said.
She hadn’t bothered to ask their names, for she was too astonished to understand what was happening.
‘What are you talking about? Mother, where is Adam?’ She turned to her parents, silently begging them to put her out of her mystery.
‘Elliot, please tell me what is happening.’ She turned to the man she had known to trust and Love.

‘My child, the officers here believe that we, your mother and I, have been linked to the Italian Mafia. They are accusing your mother of being friends with one Donna or another, and think that to be our disguise in our links to them. They want us to tell them the whereabouts of a man we don’t even know.’ Her father, in his helpless state, began to explain.
Her heart broke for the dilemma she found herself in and how her father looked. She had never seen him so defeated.
‘Miss, we are going to take your parents away. Please be sure to present yourself at the central station in a few hours. Your father has also assured us that his own lawyer will be handling his case,’ the officer stated.
