Blink-182’s drummer may have stayed mostly in the shadow of his other bandmates, but he definitely didn’t fall behind when it comes to investment planning. The band has been around for more than a few decades, and in that time, he has built his net worth up to $50 million. Needless to say, all his hard work wasn’t for naught. Travis invests in property, which is a good thing since he has had some recent health issues, making him unable to go on tour as much as before.

Hailed by Rolling Stone as “punk’s first superstar drummer”, he proved himself to be a versatile drummer by making guest appearances on several music projects of different genres. As a young boy, Barker was interested in becoming a professional surfer. However, he told the media that no matter how many other interests he may develop, he would always go back to his drums as he felt the most connected to them.
